Monday, January 20, 2025

Well it's been a minute..(10 years in fact)

Just to be clear: today's date is January 20 2025

I have not been writing in here since I found that daily notes on my phone <ie TASKS> much easier on both my body (hard to sit at pc and write nowadays) and my mind. 

But that does not mean I don't have a zillion thoughts swirling in my head and so here is a brief catchup.

Yes: still at Quail Hill not moved and will not.

Yes: still crafting; though sketchtags are my go to rather than large pieces

Yes: still taking photographs constantly 

On January 17, We Wassailed the King Apple Tree on our property and since we have had such lovely sunny but cold days, the skies are clear blue and the twilight lingers a bit longer until 1700 when it's "lights out".

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

At the Going Down of The Sun...

At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them.'

Dedicated To Our John Who Served and Survived and Talked About It Rarely.

John's Final Resting Place: Quail Hill
I would ask that all who view this, take some time out today and remember them.

Blessings to all those who still serve and will continue to do so.
(Thanks John!)

Wednesday, September 03, 2014

What was whispered to the rose?

Last Night
What was whispered to the rose to break it open last night
 was whispered to my heart.
- Jalal-ud-Din Rumi (Translated by Andrew Harvey from A Year of Rumi)

Blessings of the Unexpected that the Rose decides to share.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

O Hi there! (to borrow my fave phrase from Ms Mary Ann Moss)

Dear Perusers:
You are no doubt wondering if I am keeping up with this blog..well truth be told..sort of.
Actually I have been quite busy over HERE as that is where I have been putting all my DLPs and my current August photo Challenges. In other words, RIGHT NEXT DOOR.
Normal blogging should resume once August is finished but I am not taking any bets. <g>
But as a thank you for checking on me, here is a shot of my rain blessed geraniums.
It has been a Very Long Hot Dry Spell for us 'rain coasters' and though we will probably moan about the Nuvember monsoons, right now, the most joyous sound for us, is rain on our rooftops!
Blessings of Rain to those that need it! I know my Garden is certainly happy.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Knocked for six - and A Glorious Ladysmith Beach Day!

On June 21/14, we had a serious 'prang' with our beloved Honda and though Mr Bear was not seriously injured, I of course got whiplashed and dashboard knees and our Honda was a write off!
So I have been busy dealing with the paperwork that the Insurance companies demand, along with trying to get remedial treatment from the chiro, the massage guy and the TPI man.
Note: Never have a motor accident in the summer, all your friendly remedial people are on holidays or shortstaffed!

We now have new wheels: here she is, a 2014 Yaris LE Toyota at one of our very rare ' I just HAVE to get out of the house or I will go crazy' Beach Days.

Luckily for us, a beachy park is less than an hour away and we spent a glorious day.

Mr Bear read and I sketched away and once in a while we munched on fresh hot french fries from the concession stand, while the seagulls flew overhead, the boats sailed in the harbour and the kids chased each other around in the water park!

Blessings of a Beachy Day no matter where you be.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Celebrating the Summer Solstice with Wreaths and Strawberries!

Summer Solstice 2014
Once more in honour of my Scandinavian ancestry, I made a Midsommar wreath to hang on the front door to welcome Sommar in! The Quail Hill Tradition is that you use only those flowers and plants that you can find on the property on The Day.

This year it is a bittersweet tradition, as I have in the past few years made one for our front door as well as one for an amazing couple who live about two hours north of us. I made the square one with lavender and heather for Don whose wife Bette left us in March. I do hope he likes it and that it brings him a bit of joy to his rather lonely days.

Tonight Mr Bear, our friend Mr B and I sat on the back deck and after a 'it couldn't be beat, doing your own hamburgers on the grill' dinner, Mr Bear brought out his treat: fresh picked this morning strawberries, cleaned and lightly sprinkled with vanilla sugar. Mr B contributed the ice cream.
These strawberries are so sweet and fragrant it was like eating perfumed hearts. No white heart to be seen, these were left to bask in the sunshine and take their own very sweet time to ripen. None of the hurry up and wait California strawberry! no sirree bob, these were the real deal and brought back memories of picking them in our parent's gardens, still warm from the sun.
Midsummer and Summer Solstice Blessings to all who read this and to those of you down under, Happy Winter Solstice to you as well!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

As if the Documented Life Project wasn't enough ...

to keep La Musa happy, nope, I have gone and signed up for Ms MAM's Sketchbookery class as well. Considering that it starts on July 1, that should give me enough lead time to get my house in order and organize some sort of studio in which to put all my play stuff that I will no doubt be using.
I am also thrilled that my conversation with John (a good friend and WordPress genius) led to him helping  the Ms MAM get her new Sketchbookery site launched! Yay for networking!
So, now to make a sketchbook or find one...
I actually started sketching on our recent trip to the States, so I do have a sketchbook cobbled together but I think I will need a bigger one.
Here is one of my sketches from the trip: the blackberry brambles had almost entirely taken over the barn!

 Blessings to all those sketchwarriors out there, braving the bugs and the elements while you 'art'!