Monday, February 24, 2014

Roses in the Snow

Dear Perusers,
In the midst of all this:

Mr Bear went out shopping and came home with these:
with the words: 'because you deserve them.'
I could not help but remember a similar incident some 30 years ago...
It has been said, ‘how do I love thee, let me count the ways.’
But I would respond, ‘let me count the ongoing years, not the days.’
This  poem is dedicated to the most amazing man I know
Who magically on our First Anniversary, gave me Roses in the Snow!
Regardless of what this or any other Winter-tide may bring-
Truly when I’m with you, in my heart, it’s always Spring.
As Immortal Rumi has written (and his wisdom I cannot disparage)
“I am out of words to describe how spirit mingles in this marriage”
For my Beloved from his Beloved.
Blessings to all those snowbound : May you have fuel for your inner fire and fuel for your hearth.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations and Happy Anniversary. Beautiful esp. "I have no words....etc" LOVE that!
    Blessings ooxx's Dar
