It's not my fault, by the way; the Domestic Goddess Gene (DGG) surfaced bright and early and WOKE me even before my eyes were open!
It all started when Mr Bear brought home a large bag containing dark luscious fully ripe shiny cherries and plonked them down on the kitchen counter.
So The DGG woke me at the crack of birdchirp with the words, 'cherry clafoutis'.
Cherry whaa? I mumbled?
CHERRY CLAFOUTIS - look it up,
Can I have coffee first? I pleaded.
Make it snappy, she said, tappng her foot - Time and Cherries Wait For No Woman.
So I struggled out of bed, made coffee on autopilot, threw some dishes in the dishwasher, raced out to catch the recycler truck, (got a hug for my efforts from my sanitation engneer) unplugged the fountain so it would trickle with joy once more, filled the birdfeeder, looked up the recipe on youtube, whonked together the ingredients, shoved it into the oven and forty minutes later:
I had created a wonderful what to do with those cherries that would have disappeared if you hadn't grabbed them, kind of breakfast brunch dessert like thing.
It's bound to become a family favourite.
Blessings of Ripe Cherries be yours (before the racoons or deer get them)
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