Looking up towards our hill, I can see the himalayan blackberries are ripening (must pick soon), the waving purple heads of my heirloom Stones lavender (must harvest soon) and the maples slowing turning gold in the forest next door. The fountain is chuckling away to itself, the emerald hummingbird has been buzzing me and the birds are flitting back and forth between fir tree and feeder.
Every once in a while a large shadow flies overhead: it is one of the many bald eagles who nest nearby, they like to give me a loud 'scree' to tell me they are hunting.
I think the most joy of all of this, is knowing that when lunchtime is over, I do not have to return to a canned air building shared with 5000 people and 21 floors of angst. Mr Bear feel similarly blessed, he gleefully tells his long distance co workers that his 'commute' is from breakast table to home office: a distance of 5 seconds.
Yes we feel very lucky to have this: but we worked butts off to get to this place, mhake no mistake.
We knew moving to the southern end of Vancouver Island meant bringing our business clients with us and we did.
There is an old saying that you 'make your own luck' in this world, Yes indeedy Quail Hill is proof of that.
Blessngs of an Outside Office / Crafting Area be yours, now or in your future!
We knew moving to the southern end of Vancouver Island meant bringing our business clients with us and we did.
There is an old saying that you 'make your own luck' in this world, Yes indeedy Quail Hill is proof of that.
Blessngs of an Outside Office / Crafting Area be yours, now or in your future!
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