The slight 'sss' sound of bicycle tires on the leaf strewn path and the polite, "behind you" caused us to us turn around and see a father and daughter out biking in the last light of the day.
"It's her first time out on the trail," Dad explained, "and we were looking for a flat place to ride. I think we found it, right hon?"
The little helmeted princess nodded her head.
They paused to readjust their various bits of equipment, took a good look at the trail ahead and then pedaled past us; Dad making sure he could go slow enough so that the two of them would be side by side. As Mr Bear and I walked on, I thought of my own first time with my father pushing me on the fender of my big red bike, yelling at me to "Pedal HARDER HARDER! and you won't fall off!" Good thing my first time was on our grassy front lawn, as later on I did fall, many times, and I have the scarred knees to prove it. With hindsight I realize now why my parents were so keen to get me biking at the grand old age of 10; due to the constant whimsy of the school budget, the school bus no longer went by our road and since my father needed our car for work, this was the obvious solution. So I pedaled my way to elementary school for grades 4 and 5, over a 5 mile hilly trek that was strewn with rocks and various other spiky bits of nature. Looking back, I'm surprised I survived with only scarred knees and not a dented head! (Though some of my friends may disagree.)
So dear little helmeted princess, I hope your father took pictures as you rode together and that you will always remember your Dad searching for that special "Flat place to ride,"- Just For You.
Blessings on all Fathers teaching their children to safely ride out there.
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