Dear Rain,
You were so considerate last night, making sure not to wake us by falling softly instead of the usual thundering torrent of the Fall. Bless you. My garden is grateful.
You have even graced us today with your on again off again kitten paw drips making it (as the Irish would say) a 'soft day'.

You have even graced us today with your on again off again kitten paw drips making it (as the Irish would say) a 'soft day'.
While I was admiring this wondrous mist filled start to my Friday, I saw my uninvited guest, Buck the deer, polishing off the birdseed that had fallen on the ground. I opened the window and yelled "SHOO".
Buck's head came up, he looked at me,with a 'ya talking to ME?' expression, ears flicked back and forth like paddles, tail swished, then nonchalantly he turned and sauntered up the hill pausing now and again to nibble on my rosebushes, just because.
I see he has already helped himself to my sunflowers that I have struggled for months to get to the transplant stage.
I can only hope I have a few left for the Fall Show.
As for cherries and apples, not this year thanks to him; he stripped the young fruit off the tender branches.
Buck's head came up, he looked at me,with a 'ya talking to ME?' expression, ears flicked back and forth like paddles, tail swished, then nonchalantly he turned and sauntered up the hill pausing now and again to nibble on my rosebushes, just because.
I see he has already helped himself to my sunflowers that I have struggled for months to get to the transplant stage.
I can only hope I have a few left for the Fall Show.
As for cherries and apples, not this year thanks to him; he stripped the young fruit off the tender branches.
In the meantime the DGG (Domestic Goddess Gene) drummed her beautifully painted fingernails on my kitchen counter and pointed at the fast ripening cherry plums that Ms P had brought.
Well? She said.
OK I sighed, I will attempt a sorta clafoutis by making it almost gluten free and replace the flour with 1 cup of almond meal and a scant handful of flour. Though this one did not rise as high as the 'official' clafoutis, it still looked darn good and smelled divinely of sweet plum jam. Next time I will not use 3 eggs but 2 (I found it a bit 'eggy' in taste) and cut back on the milk as well; but all in all it still disappeared somehow. The DGG is quietly satisfied and has retired for the night (for now).
Blessings of a soft rain for your garden wherever you may be,
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