Saturday, September 07, 2013


Today at the Fall Fair, I honestly couldn't believe my eyes, but when I came around the corner of the baffle and saw 'my' photo with this humungous OUTSTANDING rosette pinned to its corner, (with a Blue Ribbon 1st underneath it!) I just stood there like a dummy, mouth hanging open and thought it must be some mistake. Surely the one below mine was the winner?  All I could think of to say, was O MY and O MY GOODNESS! over and over like a mantra. I vaguely recall Mr Bear saying something like "well done sweetheart!", but it took a while to for it to sink in, as I was still pretty much in shock. A lady who was looking at it, turned to me and said, "Did you take that?" and when I nodded, the questions began, what kind of camera did you use?
(I pulled out of my pants pocket my trusty Canon Powershot A1300) and what kind of processing? (London Drugs). I think she was a little taken aback by how low tech I shoot, no big gunslinging piece of cameramongery for me.
So far, for the last three years that I have entered, I have placed in the top three of each section, though this year, the other two photos that I entered did not.:( These were Action: Fountain and Flowers
and People: Mr Bear Walking In the Winter Woods.
Golly gee whiz Batman, O alright then, I guess I will just have to live with the Outstanding Rosette and Blue Ribbon I got! <g>
Blessings to all photographers and photography lovers out there!


  1. High tech/low heart will get its hindquarters kicked any given day by low tech/Quail Hill style heart. Just keep pointin' & shootin' Jaƫn. Congratulations.

  2. Wow! Congratulations! And the shot is fantastic! Wow, what colors!

  3. Oh my gosh how amazing! Congrats! I have to admit though that I dont think the camera matters as much as the eye and heart does :) So happy for you! Hugs!

  4. FABULOS what a beautiful photo...and WOW, do you ever have a "good eye" for such amazing pictures TFS AND, now I have your blog link at last P&L, Darxo

  5. Way to go! I now have your blog listed in my Bloglovin feed so I won't miss a post.

  6. Oh and might I add, I think it is wonderful that you won using your low tech equipment. Now how cool is that?
