Monday, September 23, 2013

Monday Musings - First Fall Photos

The Season has now changed over Officially to Autumn and the Reluctant Gardener (ie me) took pity on my Summer 'tenders' and tonight moved them indoors. My yellow lavender, tilsi, chocolate leaved pink flower begonia, and a varied mix of scented geraniums are now perched once more on their bench in the living room in front of the large living room window. I figure they like the view and they can wave their leafy fronds at passersby walking their dogs. They are also the most cheeriest and wonderful thing to see from the Nuvember rain-drenched street.

On the way back from my medical appointment, the light was playing fast and loose with the clouds, and large shadow patches were being painted on Mt Tzhouhalem so I prevailed upon Mr Bear to pull over at a small park so I could shoot it while it lasted.
I am calling this one: 'The Last Picnic'
and the other: 'Spiking the Clouds'.
Blessings of a ColourFall Autumn to all on here.

1 comment:

  1. So beautiful, this season of autumn … as you've expressed here in these lovely images. And blessings of a ColourFall Autumn to you too!
