Rather than my usual 2 shots on this day (I know I know, I heard the groans of the disappointed legions when I typed this - though I may relent and insert something later - I did, see below) I am taking aim at something I have just read and wish to comment on.
We have just had a literal 'Groaning Board' yesterday with turkey and all the trimmings.
Sadly there are many right here in our town, that did not have that luxury.
In town, every store (Safeway, Superstore, Walmart) have food bins right at the exit door for Food Bank deposits. We can even donate at the till and get a 5 dollar coupon for our 2 dollar donation.
Every month there is at least one highlighted charity that needs our help - This month it's the Tour De Rock in which cops bike race around the Island from top to bottom raising funds for their charity: Cops For Cancer.

Ok: here is where the rubber meets the road: Mr Bear and I are getting Donor Fatigue.
We have had unusual calls upon our wallet this year, mostly medical expenses and because of that we are scaling back and really considering how to spend wisely.
The other night Mr Bear and I were doing up our annual Gift List for December and I am now reconsidering doing what the very wise Mr and Mrs Heron did last year; rather than spend money on gifts, and firmly believing that charity begins at home, they donated to their favourite Cause the amount they would normally have spent. Mr Heron also within the past few hours. linked a news story, that this year for the First Time in 70 years! the Red Cross will be distributing food parcels to the hungry in the UK!
Here are my 2 loonies worth:
*Thought Number 1: this year for my UK overseas friends: We could donate an equivalent amount to the UK Red Cross - Fair Share UK.
*Thought Number 2: My in-laws David and Helen were vacationing in Italy and were caught IN the Vernazza FloodRockWaterslide that within hours wiped out most of the town!
Save Vernazza still needs funds so we could again make a donation in their name in gratitude for their safe return to us! Here is a video from Italian TV in which Helen is interviewed in the first video at around the 2.47 mark. (apologies in advance for the Italian Plumbing commercial)
Of course this is not to say that small gifts will be missing from the December Solstice Gift Bringer's Basket, after all we have 2 new grand-nephews to help spoil and it is the Season of Joyful Giving.
Blessings to all those who send me thoughtful posts - Thank you Mr Heron!
You are very welcome
ReplyDeleteMany thanks for posting this Jaen.
ReplyDeleteAfter we donated to Vincent de Paul last year a number of our friends have decided to do the same this Solstice. Great to hear you and Mr Bear will be joining us!
Blessings from Ireland.