I am missing my regular Vaio pc dreadfully as of course it has my Entire Life on it and it is currently in the hands of the Staples techies. They are saying 3-5 business days but that's an Eternity to someone like me who is so tech dependent. Thank goodness we were able to blow the dust off an aging Acer that Mr Bear had downstairs and I am now able to finish my project on that as I don't have much time either. This has to be done before end of the month.
So yes Wodensday today is very much a 'woe is me' kind of day.
Sympathy and Starbucks gratefully accepted. <g>
Blessings to all those who are surviving as best you can with an aging piece of tech
PS Pumpkin Spice Lattes are now in at our local Starbucks.

I was trying out the FX key on the Japanese maples photo: not sure if I like it but interesting don't you think?
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