Saturday, February 15, 2014

The February Fest continues...

Dear Perusers:
After my birthday break away at the Kingfisher Spa, I am now almost a week into the 2nd year of my (x) decade and on this rainy windy day here at Quail Hill I can feel it in my bones. What was it that Kathyrn Hepburn said, "Growing old is not for wimps!" - 
Agree. wholeheartedly.
We are now back to the grindstone (Mr Bear is mumbling about how much he hates computers and bills)...typical welcome home stuff. lol
But for those of you who want a catchup of my mini break: 
Here are some shots of  the Kingfisher Spa and etc.
WELL of course, wouldn't you know SNOWED on my birthday morning! but in the afternoon the sun shone and the snow melted. It was only slush by the time we had to pack up and leave for home.
Good thing too as we had invited my lifelong friend Linda M to have dinner with us at the Kingfisher’s Breakwater Restaurant and she was texting all day: is the snow gone?, how is the weather? etc. This may seem a funny thing to do as she is only an hour away, but we have micro climates here on the Island  and the weather can be like day and night depending on where you are.
So there I was all tucked up, nice and comfy with a hot beanjuice by my elbow (lovingly prepared by Mr Bear) and I got down to the Serious Business of Unwrapping my BD gifts! The most precious was Mr Bear’s – he gave me a BlueJohn ring, to replace the one that I had bought in Wales years ago and subsequently lost during our various moves. It is now quite comfortably encircling my 3rd finger on my right hand on top of my silver pandora ring.
Mr Bear calls this next shot my ‘dive and delve’ photo. My mean nasty evil tricksy cousins, knowing full well I hate to wait, gave the package to Mr Bear with Strict Instructions I was not to open it UNTIL THE DAY! NO peeking, no shaking, no poking, no prodding! So he did. and I waited somewhat impatiently for it to be plunked on my lap.
All in all, it was great break away and I even managed to get some‘arting’ in, on the first night there. I have joined in on an ‘art journal page’ swap and I have to make a dozen of the darn things. That night I was able to get two done! Only 10 more to go! Yay!
I have found that I am happiest when I can work with my hands other than typing! For me the best vacation will be someplace I can either take a workshop in mixed media or sketching. I have fallen in love with Derwent’s Inktense pencils as I like the fact they are permanent when dry. And o my heavens. o dear, somebodysaveme, WASHI TAPE! I think I may have to resort to doing my own to save $$$. Those things are addictive.

As for the Kingfisher Spa itself: if you book through booking dot com to save bucks be aware that you will be put in the ‘old’ section. No heated tile bathroom floors, no kitchenette, only a barely working bar fridge in need of defrosting, (good thing it was cold out, we used the balcony to keep our yogurt and beverages cool) no sink other than bathroom sink to wash up your cups and spoons and something surprising HARD HARD water (obviously this part of the hotel is on well water) I have no problem with that, but for pete’s sake get a water softener. There was NO way I was taking a shower in the room. If you stay there (and it is cheaper) you can use the showers at the pool I suppose. 
However The Breakwater Restaurant though pricey has good portions and the food is EXCELLENT..they even had a REAL crème brulee on the dessert menu, not your substituted scrambled eggs with a brown sugar topping (caramel flan) which I detest. 
I do recommend that when you go, you put a small flashlight in your pocket,  as it may be a bit hard to read the bill when it comes round - squinting at it by candlelight is a tad tricky! lol.

Well that’s all for now from me (who like the hobbit is celebrating her 111th birthday), Mr Bear with Sidney happily waving at you from Inside and of course Quentin and his Court of around 2 dozen quails here at Quail Hill.

Bright Stars and Blessings to all who read this.

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