Friday, November 01, 2013

Freyas Free For All: WHITE RABBITS! and..

Bless Your Socks and Undies Day as well!
Re: the White Rabbits thing:
If you say 'white rabbits' three times in the morning, on the first day of the month, before anything else like, 'where's my socks?' you will be graced with good luck all month long.
Who can argue with that?
And as for the Socks and Undies Blessing Day: why that falls on the 1st Friday of the month.
So today was a double hit of Good Luck and a Blessing besides!
Now, aren't you glad you popped in to read this?
Tonight is the kind of night that makes you want to rip open a leftover mini chocolate bar (taken from the Hallowe'en stash downstairs), listen to the heavy rain, bless the fact that you got your snowtires put on today, doubly bless the fact you are not facing 10cm of the white stuff that your friends in Calgary are, and happy you have airmiles to spend in order to bring one of those hapless souls (a true master of scissors) out west to cut your hair!
O and I am also (shhhh) writing again.
Blessings to all those who are sucking on the end of their pencil right now wondering how the heck they are going to do 50K words this month for NaNoWriMo! (just don't ask me how I know)

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