Saturday, October 12, 2013

Saturday's Sojourn Shots

The Day called to us, 'come play, come try and capture my light', and so we went.
Our first stop was Russell Farms to pick up some of their Spartan Apples and to shoot their annual Pumpkin Truck perched on a grassy field and surrounded by glorious orange globes.

Next on our 'must shoot' list was Lowes Garage, a wonderful vintage 1950's institution that is almost completely wrapped by Virginia Creeper.  Every year we try to gauge when the creeper is the reddest and we almost got the right timing today. From the looks of it, we may be off by a few more weeks. 
Not a problem, we will just return and shoot it at its full glory then. In the meantime, here is what greeted us.
There is a small town about 20 minutes away from us called Chemainus which has one of the prettiest little down towns ever seen and is easily navigated inside of five minutes.We chose to eat at The Willow Cafe in one of the historic landmarked building. It is right next door to the church and I think might have been the school house or a hotel.
The Yam  and Ginger Soup had my name written all over it (especially when it came with a hot from the oven Cheese Scone!) and Mr Bear went for the Split Pea and Ham. 
Outside in the golden Autumn late afternoon, we had an unexpected guest, a Sparrow who demanded his fair share of our scone crumbs! He did not know the meaning of the word fear at all and hopped up right on to the TABLE, mere micro inches from our plate! When offered, he even took a large crumb from my fingers.
All in all, it was as they say, 'A Grand Day Out'!
Blessings of a Bountiful and Beautiful weekend to all who read this.

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